
Rue Du Centre A Proximite De La D45, 78770 Villiers le Mahieu, Frankrijk

Only 40 minutes from Paris, discover the Château de Villiers-le-Mahieu****. This luxurious Castle offers you a unique and prestigious stay. The restaurant welcomes you in a convivial atmosphere where you can enjoy its traditional cuisine. We also invite you to relax on the intimist terrace of the Lounge-Bar. For a moment of pleasure and wellness, The Ultimate Spa, with an area of 700 sqm, provides you serenity and peacefulness. Let yourself be tempted by the prestige of its 93 bright, spacious and elegantly decorated rooms, surrounded by a 21 hectare forest. You can benefit from the comfort of the Castle and make your stay an unforgettable moment.

Service en voorzieningen






Ruimte voor seminars

Spa of sauna

Soort bestemming

Atypische accommodatie
Charmant hotel

Type accommodatie

Kastelen en charmante residenties

Aantal kamers



€ 149,00 - € 249,00 per persoon, per nacht

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