Safestay Vienna

41 Schönbrunner Straße, 1050 Wien, Austria

We are a 4**** Hotel in Vienna

Vienna (Wien to the locals) is home to the delicious apple strudel, however, that’s not the only thing sweet about the city!Safestay Vienna is a Hotel, only 2 metro stops from the Vienna State Opera and 4 stops from Schönbrunn Palace. Our stylish hotel occupies a historic building in Vienna`s central 5th district. Free WiFi is available. The famous Naschmarkt area with stylish restaurants, food stands and its historic Art Nouveau buildings can be reached on foot in 5 minutes. For cultural travellers, the Schönbrunn Palace is a must-see! Take a guided tour through the historic grounds with plenty of great photo opportunities at the Palace - post a selfie through the Gloriette archway, a full-length shot by the fountain or a 360 panoramic of the immaculate palace grounds.

Each room at Safestay Vienna is equipped with custom-designed furniture, a flat-screen TV and a minibar. A laptop and a mobile phone can also be provided on request. There's an elegant breakfast lounge and bar with a terrace in the courtyard. Numerous restaurants can be found in the surroundings. The on-site business corner is available 24 hours a day. A fitness centre is located just around the corner. Our receptionists speak German, English, Dutch and Hungarian.

Facilities and services



Air Conditioning

Reception room


internet access

Disabled room

Private bathroom

Partner restaurant

Outdoor space

Destination type

Boutique hotel

Accommodation type

Communal / dormitory
Exclusive hire property

Number of rooms


Indication of prices

€100.00 - €500.00 per person, per night

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