hotel il guelfo bianco

Via Camillo Cavour 29nero , 50129 Firenze, Italy


The Hotel Il Guelfo Bianco is a charming hotel located in the center of Florence. It is located in a carefully restored 15th century building, where our professional and helpful staff welcomes our guests in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The modern facilities of our hotel combine perfectly with our collection of contemporary and ancient works of art, making our hotel a privileged place for your stay in Florence.

The ideal location of our hotel in the historic center of Florence, near the Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Accademia Gallery and the Central Market of San Lorenzo, allows you to walk to all the tourist and commercial attractions of Florence.

Facilities and services


Air Conditioning


internet access

Disabled room

Private bathroom

Accommodation type


Number of rooms


Indication of prices

€90.00 - €206.00 per person, per night

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