Hallmark Hotel Chester The Queen

City Road, CH1 3AH Chester, United Kingdom

Passing through the entrance of our beautiful Italian brick and stucco hotel, you follow some extraordinary guests. Since opening in 1860 to serve first class travellers, we have entertained the likes of Charles Dickens, Cecil Rhodes and Lillie Langtry. We are a hotel of firsts. We are the original railway hotel, the first of our kind built to serve the many train travellers who come to the city. With no other plan on which to base the design of the hotels, our architecture was unique, many say it was the first skyscraper of its time and students from all over the world still come to visit us just to marvel at our structure and design.

We are the proud recipients of awards and accolades for our gourmet cuisine and business tourism credentials. But the foundation of our business at the Hallmark Hotel Chester The Queen is to give you a fabulous night's sleep. Whether you're here for the excellent shopping in the city, or the Roman history of business tourism, we are sure we have a room that suits your needs.

Facilities and services






internet access

Disabled room

Private bathroom

Destination type

Hotel charm
Atypical accommodation

Accommodation type


Number of rooms


Indication of prices

£71.00 - £176.00 per person, per night

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