Exclusive hire property
Chez Mary

Rue du Bon Accueil, 07690 Vanosc, France

In the heart of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region, located on the axis PARIS / SOUTH the village of VANOSC is forty minutes from the exit N ° 12 of the A7 CHANAS (38), CHEZ MARY is an hour from the cities from Lyon, Saint-Etienne and Valence, You are looking for a peaceful place to sleep, you organize a meeting, a reconnaissance of circuits, pedestrian, mountain bike, bike, motorcycle ... you just want to take a breath of fresh air with your family or with friends, Chez Mary is for you.

Facilities and services



internet access

Private bathroom

Destination type


Accommodation type

Exclusive hire property

Number of rooms


Indication of prices

€85.00 - €152.00 per person, per night

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