Hotel Villa Bonera

Via Sarfatti 8, 16167 Nervi, Italie, 16167 Genova, Italien

In Nervi, the most beautiful and famous of Genova districts, you’ll
find an ancient villa very close to the Anita Garibaldi promenade and to
the Nervi park, the museums and the modern art gallery.

It’s Villa Bonera, our two stars hotel, in the comfortable and
peaceful environment of a period property, in a perfect position to
visit Genova, Riviera di Levante and Cinque Terre.

Villa Bonera is a big 16th Century manor villa, and it’s been a
hotel since 1850. The building stil has got the original flooring,
frescos and decorations.

Your stay in our 2 star hotel will help you appreciating the typical
Genova and Liguria cookery. The restaurant, placed on the ground floor
of our historical villa, suggests local specialties from Riviera Ligure
(and from Italy as well): we recommend trofie and trenette with pesto, pansoti with nut sauce, mesciua and fish courses. Everything is enriched by our unique basil and Riviera Ligure di Levante aromatic herbs flavours.

Our wine list also meets to the requirements of a down home restaurant:
a selection of Liguria and Italy wines will be served with your meals.

Dienstleistungen und einrichtungen







Art des reiseziels

Auf dem Land
Am Meer



Anzahl an zimmern



35,00 € - 133,00 € pro Person und Nacht

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