YHA Oxford

2a Botley Road, OX1 Oxford, Regno Unito

YHA Oxford is a three storey hostel with a lounge,
quiet room, restaurant, self-catering kitchen, luggage and laundry rooms
on the ground floor. There are three accessible rooms with 3, 4 and 6
beds located on the ground floor.

Most rooms are situated on the 1st and 2nd floors (unfortunately we
do not have a lift). Room sizes range from 1 to 6 beds with a number of
twin and double rooms available, plus plenty of small rooms that can be
booked for private use by families and groups of friends. There are 203
beds in total.

Please note, this is a city centre location, therefore there is the possibility of slight noise disruption.




Spazio per seminari

Tipo di struttura

Alloggio di gruppo

Numero di stanze


Fascia di prezzo

30,00 £ - 168,00 £ per persona e per notte

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