Termas da Curia Spa Resort

Tamengos 3780-541, 3780-541 Tamengos, Portogallo

Termas da Curia Spa Resort

Hotel Termas Curia in the center of the country, in the region of Bairrada is a 14-hectare property, with a beautiful and dense woods, crossed by wide avenues and paths, within which is located an artificial lake with about 1 Km perimeter. Hotel Termas Curia is a hotel dedicated to health, wellness and spa.

A hotel dedicated to health, wellness and spa

Framed by the green landscapes of Curia Park, the hotel offers its customers unique relaxing experiences reconciling family, leisure and business. Having 102 comfortable rooms with views of the park, the hotel also offers 4 meeting rooms for private functions, a restaurant, a bar, a café and a poolside snack bar / outdoor lake during the summer. In the park, an island located in the middle of the lake and united the banks by typical bridges has the circuit, a tennis court, one multipurpose field and a playground. The golf course of the Curia is located at a distance of 800 meters.




Aria condizionata






Spazio per seminari

Spa o sauna

Accesso a Internet

Tipo di destinazione


Tipo di struttura


Numero di stanze


Fascia di prezzo

56,00 € - 108,00 € per persona e per notte

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