Maison Albar Hotels Le Champs-Elysées

3 Avenue Mac Mahon, 75017 Paris, Francia

"The Hotel Champs Elysees Mac Mahon is a prestigious property located at the foot of the Arc de Triomphe; perfect for your stay in Paris." The hotel, nestled in a superb Haussman building, has undergone a complete transformation in the hands of the interior architect Alexandre Danan, and has emerged as an exceptional boutique-hotel. Mixing modern materials with an Empire style, this new concept-hotel, with its 35 rooms and 5 suites, extravagantly recreates the mythical Paris of the 19th century and the Napoleonic era. From the choice of materials to the use of light, nothing has been left to chance in its aim to provide the greatest level of comfort and elegance for guests: shimmering velvet curtains, russet and plum flecked with white, ceiling mirrors, Murano glass chandeliers and corridors adorned with gold, silver and copper leaf: every element of the stunning decor reflects our vision of contemporary luxury. And to fully meet the expectations of our sophisticated clientele, the greatest care has been taken over the quality of service and products on offer. Bathroom products by Anne Sémonin await you in your room, along with a personal Nespresso coffee/tea service, a minimum 32" LED television, a docking station for digital music players, a large bed with duvet, right up to the bathrooms, fitted with luxury Hansgrohe taps and heated Japanese toilets for the ultimate in comfort. The Champs Elysees Mac Mahon also offers bar service, room service, a concierge service and breakfast. Come and experience the best of French luxury, which makes the Hotel Champs Elysees Mac Mahon a unique place.




Aria condizionata



Navette per l'aeroporto e la stazione

Spa o sauna

Accesso a Internet

Camere PRM

Bagno in camera da letto

Spazio esterno

Tipo di destinazione


Tipo di struttura


Numero di stanze


Fascia di prezzo

10,00 € - 300,00 € per persona e per notte

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