Forum Tarragona

37 Plaça de la Font, 43003 Tarragona, Spagna

Hostal Forum is a welcoming establishment with the best services and the best location to discover the old town.

The location of our hotel allows to visit the city on foot and to know first-hand the trace of the Romans in Tarraco. Tarragona, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offers spectacular tours to its most famous monuments with over 2000 years of antiquity such as the Roman Circus, the Pretorio, the Forum, the walls and ancient amphitheater.

In addition, the hotel is surrounded by bars, restaurants and other leisure options to enjoy an exceptional stay.




Accesso a Internet

Tipo di struttura


Numero di stanze


Fascia di prezzo

25,00 € - 59,00 € per persona e per notte

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