Bilderberg Hotel 't Speulderbos

54 Speulderbosweg, 3886 AP Garderen, Paesi Bassi

The charming Bilderberg Hotel t Speulderbos is located in a lovely
green area, surrounded by moors and fairy-like sand-drifts. Enjoy a
comfortable stay and breakfast. Free WiFi access is also available.

The hotel rooms are luxurious and have a private bathroom. The
extensive breakfast buffet is available for a surcharge and contains
delicious breads and delicacies, as well as coffee, tea and juices.

Take some time to relax on the squash tennis court or jump into the
heated indoor swimming pool. The sauna and solarium will relax any
tension left in your muscles. If you have time, work out in the fitness

Restaurant 't Speulderbos serves French orientated à la carte dishes.
The Grand Café welcomes you during the day for coffee with cake, lunch
or a drink. In the evening guests can enjoy a la carte dishes.

You can park your car for free at Bilderberg Hotel t Speulderbos.
This means you can easily go for a long walk in the surrounding nature
right from the hotel. Families with children can visit The Dolfinarium
and the Apenheul.




Aria condizionata



Salone privato


Spazio per seminari

Spa / sauna / massaggi

Accesso a internet


Bagno privato

Tipo di destinazione


Tipo di struttura


Numero di stanze


Fascia di prezzo

81,00 € - 187,00 € per persona e per notte

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