The Originals City - Limoges Feytiat

6 Avenue du Ponteix, 87220 Feytiat, Francia

3* hotel located close to the road of Lac de Vassivière, which offers a beautiful view of the near vicinity and a large variety of activities and water sports. Feytiat welcomes the international festival of the Pastel and we find on the city the Castle of Mas Cerise, a great example of French architecture.

Discover the tourist place near our hotel in Feytiat

- Vassiviere Lake
Golf course

- Castle of Mas Cerise

Stay with comfort

The Comfort Hotel Limoges Sud welcomes you in its 45 rooms with:

TV with Canal +

Free wifi

Car and bus parking

Have a break at the Comfort Hotel Limoges Sud

The restaurant "Le Provençal", can accommodate up to 80 guests and features a shaded terrace. You will eat traditional cuisine and a buffet of appetizers and desserts at will. Opening hours of “Le Provençal”: 12.00-2.00 / 7.30-10.00 Monday through Saturday (menus from 13.50 to 23 euros + card).

Seminars and meetings at Feytiat

The Comfort Hotel Limoges Sud provides you 2 air-conditioned meeting rooms of 50 and 60 with daylight to welcome your seminars, meetings and study days.

Servicios y equipamientos






Espacio para seminarios

Acceso a Internet

Salas PMR

Tipo de alojamiento


Número de habitaciones


Gama de precios

53,00 € - 90,00 € por persona y por noche

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