Youth hostel
Ostello Bassano del Grappa

Via Lorenzo Chini 6, 36061 Bassano del Grappa, Itália

When you enter the Bassano Hostel, you understand that you are in the right place to make your every moment right. Whether it's a holiday, a trip or a fleeting stop on your trip, you'll always find a welcoming atmosphere and everything you need to really feel at home. Large common areas, more than 20 rooms and a garden with portico 5 minutes from the center of Bassano and the famous Ponte degli Alpini, all set between colonnades and architecture of a palace of 1800. All the charm of history, all the beauty of the nature and all the comfort of those looking for accommodation to share an unforgettable experience. The structure is managed by the staff of the social cooperative "Luoghi Comuni" that will be at your disposal for any kind of need. The Bassano Hostel is suitable for young people of all ages, from school children to retirees who decide to give themselves to the adventure ... without forgetting the sportsmen and tourists who visit our city every year.

It 's nice to be citizens of the world, if your home is us ... The Hostel of Bassano is suitable for young people of all ages, from school children to retirees who decide to give themselves to the adventure ... not to mention the sportsmen and tourists that every year they visit our city.

Instalações e serviços



internet access

Disabled room

Tipo de alojamento

Youth hostel

Número de quartos


Indicação dos preços

45,00 € - 78,00 € por pessoa, por noite

Procurar, comparar, reservar
o alojamento do seu grupo

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  • Veja e compare as ofertas publicadas no seu espaço. Troque diretamente com as propriedades para solicitar opções e confirmar reservas. Receber ofertas, compará-las de forma simples e comunicar facilmente com os gestores dos imóveis
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  • Seguro de viagem
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